
Can Mice Be Recycled?

Yes, computer mice can and should be recycled. 67,800 tons of mice and keyboards were disposed of in 2010 and only about 10% of them were recycled According to the EPA.  Don’t forget that mice contain electronic components and shouldn’t be thrown in the trash.

Use a Professional Computer Mice Recycling Service like Rocycle!

At Rocycle, we collect large quantities of mice to reuse and sell. If a mouse is obsolete or damaged, we send it to our downstream partners to break them down back into the raw materials.

Contact us today to schedule a free business pickup or learn about our free residential electronics recycling services.

If you have excess or outdated IT equipment that you need disposed of or off lease equipment that you need processed, give Rocycle a call.

Our fast, efficient, and valuable service is sure to please you!