Plasma and LCD Televisions

recycle TV, recycle LCDs, recycle plasma TVIn industrialized nations, 98%* of households have one television and 34% of those households have two or more. That’s approximately 630 million TV sets. Popularity of flat panel TVs has grown tremendously. As TVs are replaced, how to dispose of the old units needs to be considered.

LCD and plasma TVs can potentially contain lead, mercury, or cadmium. These materials can wreak havoc on the environment as well as human health. In order to be environmentally responsible, recycle your televisions!

Rocycle recycles LCD TVs, plasma TVs, and even the older style tubed TVs.



*Source: Ahonen, Tomi, VR World, Digital Divide: Global Household Penetration Rates for Technology, January 26, 2011

If you have excess or outdated IT equipment that you need disposed of or off lease equipment that you need processed, give Rocycle a call.

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