ITAD is an acronym for IT Asset Disposition. ITAD companies like Rocycle streamline the disposal of obsolete or unwanted IT equipment and electronics. Our focus is to maximize your return on your IT equipment investment while minimizing any costs associated with the data destruction and logistics.
Our ITAD division will assess all equipment received. We will create an audit of all assets with remarketable value and all data-bearing devices. We’ll wipe hard drives using DoD compliant software or crush drives that fail a wipe, are obsolete, or have been requested to be crushed by the client. Then we’ll make an offer based on secondary market values to you for your remarketable IT assets.
The best recycling is reuse. In order to offset the costs of new IT equipment, let Rocycle be your ITAD provider and give you top dollar for your excess IT equipment.
If equipment is obsolete, we demanufacture it in order to ensure all components are disposed of and recycled in the proper ways utilizing R2 certified downstream recyclers.
Let Rocycle be your responsible ITAD provider.