What’s IT Made Of?

When it comes to disposing of old electronics a lot of consumers fail to realize how important it is to recycle them as opposed to tossing them into the trash.

Unfortunately, there is a major lack of understanding when it comes to the damage that electronic components & metals can cause to the environment. So we’re going to do our best to help break down what is in all those old electronics you may or may not be hoarding and why you should have them properly recycled with Rocycle!

Electronics We Recycle

Before we can breakdown what troublesome components come out of your recycled electronics - let’s first look at what electronics we recycle.

All of these electronic items require a dedicated recycling solution to avoid any environmental impact as well as to ensure any existing data is wiped, but in many cases they also have value on the secondary market. When we identify electronics with resale value you can earn cash for your business by selling through our marketplace. That’s right – you can earn cash while helping keep our environment clean!

Why You Need To Recycle Your Old Electronic Equipment


Whether it’s a lithium-ion battery in a laptop or a silver oxide battery from a board, batteries need to be handled carefully and properly. We collect the various batteries and store them on a spill-proof pallet to protect the environment in the case of a leaking battery.

Cell Phones

As cell phone technology continues to improve we have found the circuitry & components that power them have become a bigger hazard to landfills. Oftentimes if you upgrade your phone but miss out on any buy back programs these cell phones end up in a drawer gathering dust. Whether you need to dispose of one old cell phone or several hundred – we can help recycle your cell phone sustainably.

Computer Monitors

Computer monitors make up the largest percentage of e-waste. Due to the possibility that monitors may contain hazardous or toxic materials, such as lead in Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors, it is important to use a monitor recycling service to ensure that this equipment is disposed of properly. Standard LCD monitors contain valuable components, including steel, aluminum, and copper. So whether you have a single monitor or a hundred monitors, Rocycle’s service can recycle monitors of all types.


Whether you have a desktop copier or a large free-standing copier – we can not only recycle your copier, but in many cases we can find cash value for you on our secondary market. Copiers contain glass, plastics, metals and oftentimes mercury bulbs that need to be handled with care & properly disposed of to avoid any environmental issues.

Cisco Equipment

When it comes to recycling old Cicso gear many businesses find it to be a daunting task. At Rocycle we can not only assist in the removal & disposal of your old Cicso gear – we also ensure all of your data is securely wiped. If the network equipment still has value and is in working condition, we will make you an offer of the equipment and remarket it in the secondary markets. If your Cisco equipment is deemed obsolete or non-functioning, we demanufacture the equipment and separate the various components by material type. The separated materials are then sent to various downstream partners to be returned to the raw material state.

Desktop Computers

As more businesses opt for work-from-home or hybrid workplaces we’ve seen a large increase in the demand for new desktop computers for employee’s while office’s have a reduced need for computers in the office. In both cases Rocycle provides a computer recycling service that cleanly disposes of your computer & any existing data.

A typical desktop will contain many recyclable items or materials such as:

  • Steel case
  • Aluminum Heat Sink
  • Battery
  • Hard drive
  • Memory
  • Motherboard
  • Wires
  • Plastic

Depending on the state of your businesses old computers we might find value in reselling them through our secondary market. Clear out the clutter in your office & earn cash while doing so when you recycle your old computers with Rocycle.

DVD Players

As media consumption shifts from DVD and Blu-ray discs to streaming platforms, many people are moving away from traditional media players. In a short time, many of these media players will be obsolete items. These machines will be disassembled and the various components sorted by component type. The components are then sent to our downstream processors to be returned to raw materials which are then reused for new products. So when you no longer want your DVD player, don’t throw it away. We also accept MP3 players, CD players, and even cassette or VHS players. Be green and recycle your various players here.

Fax Machines

Fax Machines contain recyclable components like steel, aluminum, and memory. Even ink cartridges and toner can be recycled! Whether you have a small desktop model or a large standing unit, Rocycle can sustainably recycle & in some cases – remarket your old fax machine.

Rocycle carefully evaluates the equipment. We test and audit it for you. If the printer or fax still has value, we could make you an offer on the equipment and remarket it in the secondary markets. If the equipment is deemed obsolete or non-functioning, we designate it for demanufacturing and send it on to our downstream partners to be separated into the various, like components.


According to the EPA, in 2010 there were 67,800 tons of keyboards and mice disposed of. Only 10% of the keyboards and mice were recycled. That’s 61,020 tons of keyboards and mice that didn’t get properly disposed of and potentially ended up in landfills or incinerators! You can make a difference by recycling your old keyboards with Rocycle.

Rocycle collects large quantities of keyboards to reuse and sell when possible. Otherwise, if they are non-functioning, damaged, or obsolete, we send them to our downstream partners that will break the keyboards back down into raw materials such as plastic, wire, and circuit boards which are given new life as other products.

Laptop Computers

As companies & consumers upgrade their laptop computers, many are faced with the problem of what to do with their old laptops. There could be sensitive data on the laptops and this data needs to be removed by professionals like Rocycle. Additionally – there is an increasing demand for refurbished laptops on the secondary market based on their condition.

When a business is looking to upgrade their laptops & recycle old laptops we can help offset the cost by testing functionality, wiping the laptop hard drive and reselling them.

LCD & Plasma TV’s

In industrialized nations, 98% of households have one television and 34% of those households have two or more. That’s approximately 630 million TV sets. Popularity of flat panel & Smart TVs has grown tremendously. As TVs are replaced more frequently, knowing where to recycle your old TV is more important than ever.

LCD & Plasma TVs can potentially contain lead, mercury, or cadmium. These materials can wreak havoc on the environment as well as human health. In order to be environmentally responsible, recycle your televisions withe Rocycle!


67,800 tons of mice and keyboards were disposed of in 2010 and only about 10% of them were recycled according to the EPA.  Computer mice contain electronic & plastic components and shouldn’t be thrown in the trash where they’ll continue to pile up in landfills – recycle your old or broken computer mouse with Rocycle instead.

Network & Server Equipment

As technology advances, the network systems that support business advance as well. When it’s time to update your network gear, remember, network and server equipment are all recyclable items. Modems, routers, hubs, cards, switches, and servers all have an option for a second life.

If the network equipment still has value and is in working condition, we will make you an offer of the equipment and remarket it in the secondary markets after ensuring we’ve completed a full data wipe. If the network or server equipment is deemed obsolete or non-functioning, we demanufacture the equipment and separate the various components by material type. The separated materials are then sent to various downstream partners to be returned to the raw material state.


Printers contain recyclable components like steel, aluminum, and memory. Even ink cartridges and toner can be recycled. Whether you have a small desktop model, a large standing unit, or even commercial-grade printers – Rocycle can recycle or even remarket them.

Rocycle carefully evaluates & audits your old printer. If the printer still has value, we could make you an offer on the equipment and remarket it in the secondary markets. If the equipment is deemed obsolete or non-functioning, we designate it for demanufacturing and send it on to our downstream partners to be separated into the various, like components.

Stereo Equipment

Rocycle can recycle stereo equipment. Speakers, CD players, receivers, and more can (and should) all be recycled. Stereo equipment contains plastics, metals, and sometimes woods that are able to be separated and recycled. Here at Rocycle, we disassemble the equipment and sort it by material type. When our various containers are full, we send the materials to specialized downstream partners that convert the commodities back into raw materials.

How Do We Recycle Old Electronics & IT Equipment?

Rocycle de-manufactures IT & electronic equipment through the following process:

  1. We perform an audit of all of the equipment we receive
  2. Any existing data is wiped from the device
  3. Each electronic or IT asset is evaluated for resale eligibility & prepared for the secondary market or destruction
  4. All materials are taken apart and separated
  5. Separated materials are separated into one of two categories:
    1. Focus Materials
    2. Non-Focus Materials

Focus Materials are a component in end-of-life electronic equipment that requires extra care due to its toxicity and the possibility of adverse effects on workers, the environment or public health. They include:

  • Crushed hard drives
  • CRT monitors
  • Memory
  • Mercury tubes
  • Batteries
  • and more

Focus materials are left whole and sent on to our approved vendors for designated specialty recycling that break the equipment down into base materials.

Non-Focus Materials are components in end-of-life recyclable electronic equipment that do not require extra care and are not considered to be hazardous. This includes:

  • Steel
  • Plastic
  • Wood
  • Wiring
  • Non-CRT Glass

Non-focus materials are recycled through traditional single-stream recycling centers.

Properly Recycle with Rocycle

As environmental stewards, we do our part to keep IT products and recyclable electronics out of landfills at home and abroad while also helping our commercial customers offset the costs of new electronic or IT equipment by reselling applicable items on the secondary market!

If you’re looking for a commercial electronic & IT recycling partner in Florida – Rocycle is here to help! We also offer local drop-off electronic recycling for our customers in the area. Give us a call or fill our the form below!

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    What do you want to recycle?